Latest publications
Working paper
Jong, P.W. de, Van Mol, C. & Valk, H.A.G. de (2016),
Intra-European Migration Patterns & European Migrant Characteristics: a Statistical Portrait of the Dutch Context between 2003 and 2013. NIDI Working Paper no. 2016/05. The Hague: NIDI.
NIDI working papers can be downloaded from the NIDI website: http://www.nidi.nl/shared/content/output/papers/nidi-wp-2016-05.pdf
Published articles
de Jong, P. W., & de Valk, H. A. (2019). Intra-European migration decisions and welfare systems: the missing life course link. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. DOI: 10.1080/1369183X.2019.1611421
Jakubiak, I. J. (2019). Does welfare drive international migration?–a European experience. International Journal of Manpower, 40 (2), 246-264. (LINK)
Jolivet, D. (2019). Post‐2008 Multi‐Sited Household Practices: Between Morocco, Spain and Norway. International Migration. (LINK)
Book chapters
Godin, M. & Dona, G. (2018).
Mobile technologies and Forced Migration. In: Bloch, A. & Dona, G. (Eds). Forced migration: Current Issues and Debates. London: Routledge.
Jakubiak, I. & Kaczmarczyk, P. (2018).
Migration and the Welfare State. In: Weinar A., Bonjour, S., & Zhyznomirska, L. (Eds). The Routledge Handbook of the Politics of Migration in Europe. London: Routledge, p. 374-382.
Janicka A. & Kaczmarczyk, P. (2018).
Mobilities in the crisis and post-crisis times: migration strategies of Poles on the EU labour market. In: Roos, C. & Zaun, N. (Eds). The Global Economic Crisis and Migration. London: Routledge.
Latest events
Second national event organized by IGOT – Universidade de Lisboa
On 19 July 2018 the second national workshop was organized by the Institute of Geography and Spatial Planning (IGOT) in Lisbon on "European welfare systems in times of mobility". Maria Lucinda Fonseca, Alina Esteves, Jennifer McGarrigle and Bruno Machado presented the Mobile Welfare Poject findings.
15th IMISCOE Annual Conference
From 2-4 July 2018, the 15th IMISCOE Annual Conference on 'Europe Migrations and the Mediterranean: human mobilities and intercultural challenges' took place in Barcelona, Spain.
Dominique Jolivet presented her work on 'Welfare migration’ and ‘lifestyle migration’: opposed or complementary categories to understand human (im)mobilities?" and “‘Post-2008 multi-sited household practices: between Morocco, Spain and Norway'.
Sónia Pereira and Dominque Jolivet presented their work on 'Examining migrants’ social protection arrangements in Southern European Welfare States: increased protection or further exclusion?'.
Marie Godin and Justyna Bell presented their work on: ‘Liquid’ versus ‘settled’ migration trajectories and transnational welfare strategies throughout the life course: the case of Polish and British migrants in Europe'.
In addition, Dominique Jolivet and Marie Godin delivered two workshops. First, 'Social protection through mobility? A dialogue across disciplines and emerging research issues'. Second, 'Exploring intra EU mobilities at times of crisis'. Moreover, they participated in two panels: 'Categories in research and policy on migration and transnationalism' and 'Migration to and from welfare states'.
Migration Conference of the University of Lisbon
From 26-29 June 2018, the Migration Conference of the University of Lisbon was held. Bruno Machado, Jennifer McGarrigle, Maria Lucinda Fonseca and Alina Esteves, presented their work on 'Transnational social protection assemblages: Mobility and welfare between Portugal and the UK in turbulent times'.